Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome to Kindergarten!

We had a great first week of Kindergarten! Throughout the week, we have been working on the routines of the classroom. For example, we learned how to raise our hand to ask permission to use the restroom. We also learned how to walk in a straight, quiet line down the hallway.

On the first day of school, we experienced many new things! We ate watermelons, learned about bees and tried their honey, planted vegetables, and visited farm animals in a petting zoo.

We all received Chets Creek t-shirts and took a class picture on Tuesday. We all looked happy! We also practiced our first Fire Drill. We talked about the importance of walking out of the building quickly and quietly in  case of a fire.

On Wednesday, we started "Star Names." Each day, a new student is chosen to be the "Star Student." We learn about the Star Student and also brainstorm other words that have the same beginning letter as the Star Student's first name. Then, each student in the class draws a picture of the Star Student for them to take home. We also practiced our first Tornado Drill!

We settled in to our normal schedule on Thursday and Friday.
Our daily schedule is:
9:00-9:10 Morning News TV Show
9:10-9:40 Skills Block
9:40-10:40 Reader's Workshop
10:40-11:00Writer's Workshop
11:05-11:35 Lunch
11:40-12:20 Finish Writer's Workshop
12:20-1:20 Math Workshop
1:20-2:00 Resource
2:00-2:30 Recess
2:30-3:00 Science and Social Studies
3:00 Dismissal

We are ready for a GREAT year in Kindergarten!