Saturday, September 18, 2010

Literacy Stations

This week, we began our Literacy Stations.  We do two Literacy Stations every day during Readers' Workshop.

During Computer Station, students receive Computer Literacy. A great website to use at home is
Students at our ABC Station work with the letters of the alphabet. Some activities include an ABC puzzle or using magnet letters to spell out words.
At our Big Book Station, students practice reading with Big Books.
At our Drama Station, students retell our Star Books with puppets. Here, the students are retelling  "The Three Billy Goats Gruff."
This is our Poetry Station. Students practice our Nursery Rhyme of the Week. This week, we worked on "Humpty Dumpty."
In our Reading Station, students sit in the Classroom Library to read.
These students are at the Magnet Station. They match words to their pictures.
At our Listening Station, students can hear our Star Books on CD. These students were listening to "The Three Billy Goats Gruff."

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fuel Up to Play 60

Today was a fantastic end to our third week of kindergarten! We started the morning with our first Flag Raising. Every student gathered around the flag pole to honor our American Flag while the Fifth Grade Patrols rose the flag. It was a very beautiful ceremony.

After lunch, we participated in Fuel Up to Play 60. This program is "a nationwide movement focused on fighting childhood obesity by empowering kids to take control of their own health." To kick off the program, every student and teacher walked or jogged two laps around the track today. Together, our school walked over 700 miles! WOW!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bag of Books, Writer's Workshop, and Letter of the Day

On Tuesday, students brought home their Home Bag of Books. Each student can take one book home to read with their parents and then bring it back the next day for a new book. In class, students will have an additional Bag of Books. This bag stays in the classroom and each bag can have five books. Students can change their books once a week. During Reader's Workshop, students can read to themselves with one of these books. Please send in a reusable shopping bag for your child so they can have their own Bag of Books.
Today during Writer's Workshop, we began writing a story about our favorite place to eat. Some of the writing topics included: McDonalds, Denny's, Chuck E Cheese, and Golden Corral. We will continue to work this topic for the rest of the week.

During Skills Block, we focus on one letter a day. We have already discussed the letters B, P, S, and T. Today we worked on the letter C. Students drew 3 pictures of words that began with C and wrote the word under the picture. They also practiced writing the letter C.

Math Learning Stations

Today we began our Learning Stations in Math Workshop. We are working on counting to 20, sorting, and number sense.
In this station, students rolled dice and then added how many dots they saw. They recorded their observations on paper.

This student is displaying her tower of cubes. Students had to count out 20 cubes and put them together.
These students were sorting buttons into color groups.
Students had to cut out 20 shapes and glue them to sentence strips.