Tuesday, November 23, 2010

POW WOW 2010

After several weeks of hard work and preparation, our annual Kindergarten Pow Wow was held on Friday, October 19.  In order to be ready for the Pow Wow, our students studied the Nez Perce Tribe and compared them to the other tribes representated at CCE (Inuit, Iroquois, Sioux, Lenape, Nootka, Hopi, and Seminole).  We studied their clothing, shelter, food, and many other interesting facts. 

On the day of the Pow Wow, we performed three dances: "The Hunt of the Buffalo," "The Dance of the Skunk," and "Sunset."  Afterwards, we visited eight different stations.  We tried Native American food, played musical instruments, learned about hunting, wrote Native American symbols, listened to the story of Thanksgiving in a teepee, played tribal games, painted with food dye, and made clay medallions.
Our Favorite Moment of Pow Wow?  During Tribal Games, Coach told the kids that a bear was hiding in the trees.  As they were playing, Jaslyn said, "I'm scared of the bear."  Mia comforted her by saying, "Don't worry. The bear thinks we're real Indians!"

Please enjoy the following Pow Wow pictures!

Painting with food! Yum!


Playing Native American music.

Writing Native American symbols.

Chets Creek's beautiful tepee!

Our class tepee

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nez Perce Tribe Prepares For Pow Wow!

 We have been learning all about the Native Americans and Thanksgiving. This Friday, we will represent the Nez Perce tribe at the annual Chets Creek Pow Wow!!! We have been creating costumes, learning about other Native American tribes, and practicing our tribal dance. Look forward to some fun pictures during the next few weeks!!

Thanks to those who were able to come to "Make and Take" night! We had a blast making Nez Perce Tepees with our family and friends!

Miss Barber took us around the school to learn about the different Native American Tribes!!!!!
Inuit Tribe

Nootka Tribe

Seminole Tribe

More practice for the tribal dance......

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Awards Ceremony

On Friday, we had our first Awards Ceremony.  Every nine weeks, students will be recognized for academic excellence and citizenship.  Our awards include: Perfect Attendance, Citizenship, All E's, Readers to Leaders, and the Soaring Eagle.  Thank you to all the parents who came to support their child! The children really enjoyed having their parents in class to celebrate their big achievements!

Some of our students who earned the Citizenship Award

Perfect Attendance

Perfect Attendance

Readers to Leaders

Readers to Leaders

Our First Soaring Eagle!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Story Book Parade

On October 29th, Kindergarten and First grade students dressed up as their favorite story book character and paraded the halls, showing off their costumes to the upper-grade children and parents. We had a fun day full of crafts and snacks! Thank you to the moms who were able to help out on such a fun and messy day :)


                                          OUR CENTERS

                                                                     Spider Hats

                                                                     Pattern Necklaces

                                                                   Candy Corn Men

                                            5 Little Pumpkin Poems & Ghost Lollipops

                                                                  Spooky Magnets

                                                                Cookie Decorating

                                                                     Popcorn Hands