Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Third Semester Awards Ceremony

Time seems to be flying by!  We can't believe that we just had our Awards Ceremony for the Third Semester!  We were so thankful that so many parents were able to join us this time!!  We are so proud of how much our little ones are growing!

Citizenship Awards
Citizenship Awards
Citizenship Awards
Citizenship Awards
All E's Awards
Our new Soaring Eagles!

You Know Your Elementary School is the Best When Your Principal Kisses a PIG!!!

Our principal, Mrs. Phillips, is always thinking of new and creative ways to inspire our kids to READ, READ, READ!  Students who met the 3rd semester reading goal were invited to eat outside and watch Mrs. Phillips kiss a pig!!

Mrs. Phillips tried to trick the students by kissing a stuffed pig!

Pucker Up!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Field Trip to the Jax Zoo!

We had an exciting time at the zoo!  We saw giraffes, zebras, snakes, elephants, and much more!  We were even able to pet some animals in a zoo class!  Thank you to all of the chaperones who came with us to the zoo.  Please email us your photos so we can upload them onto our blog for all parents to enjoy!

Wedding Photos

A lot of parents have asked me to post a pictures from my wedding.  Enjoy! =)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Miss Barber's Bridal Shower

Did your little one mention that Miss Barber is now Mrs. Parker?  She was married on March 26!  Before her wedding, we had a wonderful Bridal Shower to celebrate her wedding.

First, we played pin the veil on Miss Barber!
Students were divided into two groups: boys and girls.
This student won for the girls.  She pinned the veil closest to Miss Barber's head.
This student won for the boys.

Next, we played the traditional "Wedding Dress Made Out of Toilet Paper" game.
The beautiful brides!
Then, it was time for Miss Barber to toss the bouquet!  The class made Miss Barber a bouquet to use during her Wedding Rehearsal.  Each student painted a flower and wrote a sweet message on the petals.

The winner!
At the end of the party, everyone enjoyed cake! Yummy!

Eric Carle Day!

Before Spring Break, we were so excited to finally have ERIC CARLE DAY!!  For several weeks, the Banairs have been doing an author study on Eric Carle.  We've read a myriad of his books, made connections, written responses to his literature, and even wrote our own pattern books!  On Eric Carle Day, we celebrated with crafts and fun activities!

 We participated in a fun relay race!  The race was inspired by the book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."  Students were divided into two groups: boys vs. girls.  The object of the game was to correctly sequence the book in the fastest amount of time. One at a time, students had to crawl through the tunnels, choose a puzzle piece, crawl back through the tunnels, and place the puzzle piece on the game board. 

 In another station, we read the book, "Mr. Seahorse," and then used tissue paper to create a beautiful seahorse.

Our students even enjoyed delicious pancakes, inspired by the book, "Pancakes, Pancakes."

We had a great day! This was definitely one of our favorite days in Kindergarten!

St. Patrick's Day

Top 'o the morning to ya laddies!!!  Our Kindergarteners had a VERY fun day on St. Patty's Day.  In the morning, they were lucky to have our fabulous principal, Mrs. Phillips, read a story about St. Patrick's Day to them!

We also had a surprise visit from a leprechaun!  The kids knew that it was a teacher trying to trick them, but they couldn't figure out who was behind that hat!

The rest of the day, we shared our leprechaun traps and participated in many fun activities.  We even made hats with beards!

This student shares her leprechaun trap with the class.
More leprechaun traps.
Students were able to pick a spot around the room to set up their traps.  The majority of students wanted to place them all over the floor. We're lucky they weren't teacher traps because we tripped over them constantly!
Kaitlin asked why the girls had to wear beards too!
Making necklaces with green and gold beads.
Creating mini-books about St. Patrick's Day.
Inspired by Eric Carle, our current Author Study, these students used tissue paper to make beautiful four-leaf clovers.

While we were out at Resource, someone trashed our room!! Can you guess who??