Sunday, January 30, 2011


On Friday, students experienced gravity!  First, they brainstormed many things that can fall.  Miss Anair shared her skydiving adventure and Miss Barber demonstrated how things can fall and hit you on the head! Ouch!  We were very impressed by the answers our students gave us!

Next, students were able to explore gravity by playing a game called "Keep it Up."  Students worked with their small table groups to keep a balloon in the air.  They were only allowed to gently tap the balloons; they couldn't catch the balloon to prevent it from falling to the floor.  The children felt that this game was very fun, but not easy!

Then, students worked in groups to drop several different objects and compare which ones hit the ground first.
Which one will land first? The pencil or the tissue?
Although they are just kindergarteners, these students can tell you all about gravity!  Ask your child about the picture they drew of our classroom without gravity (many of them included Miss Anair and Miss Barber with their hair straight up!! AH!)  

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