Friday, February 4, 2011

Second Semester Awards Ceremony

Today we held our Awards Ceremony for the Second Semester.  All of our students have been working very hard and we are so proud of each and every one of them.  We had several parents come to enjoy the ceremony: Mrs. Archer, Mrs. Bruzos, Ms. Garnes, Mrs. Gjoka, Mrs. Gopal, Mrs. Hartigan, Ms. LaHaise, Mrs. Leitch, Mrs. Gopal, Mrs. Gjoka, and Mrs. Pennywitt! Below are some pictures of the ceremony:
The Citizenship Award is given to students who always follow classroom and school rules.

Citizenship Award

Citizenship Award

The All E's Honor Roll Award is given to students who made E's in  Communication, Math, and Behavior.

Perfect Attendance

Our Soaring Eagles!  It is always difficult for us to only pick two Soaring Eagles because everyone in our room is very deserving!  However, we chose these two students because they always participate in class activities, they  take pride in their work, and they are wonderful friends to everyone in our class.

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