Friday, February 4, 2011

Awesome Addition!

Believe it or not, these Kindergartners are learning to add! (We have such a wonderful and smart class!) During Math, we have been focusing on basic addition. Together, we brainstormed different addition strategies such as: draw pictures, use manipulatives, count on fingers, draw tally marks, and use the number line.  The students are encouraged to use these strategies when solving addition story problems. For example, "Miss Barber had 3 cupcakes.  Miss Anair gave her 5 more cupcakes.  How many cupcakes does Miss Barber have now?"  In class, a teacher will orally tell an addition story problem.  Students work with their Elbow Buddy to write the equation and answer on their whiteboards.

This past week, we also learned a great new game called "Double Compare," in Math Investigations!   In this game, students worked in pairs and each student had a deck of cards.  Both students flipped two cards over and added the numbers together.  The partner who had the higher sum took all four cards.  The game ended when one partner won all the cards in both decks!  This game is based off a previous game called "Compare."  In Compare, students only flipped over one card each and the student who had the higher card collected both cards.

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