Monday, May 23, 2011

Guest Scientist ROCKS!

Using Pop Rocks candy, Sprite, vinegar, and baking soda, our guest scientist, Mrs. Gopal (Asha's mom), let us explore the difference between a physical and a chemical reaction. The students first predicted which balloon would blow up bigger: Balloon A (filled with Sprite and Pop Rocks) or Balloon B (filled with baking soda and vinegar).  The majority of students predicted that Balloon A would grow bigger because both ingredients contained carbon dioxide.  After watching Balloon A blow up to the size of a large egg, Mrs. Gopal explained that the Pop Rocks and Sprite created a Physical Reaction.  Next, she mixed the baking soda and vinegar to create a chemical reaction.  WOW! The students were SHOCKED and AMAZED when the balloon started to grow...and grow...and grow!!  Their predictions were wrong...Balloon B grew bigger!  Mrs. Gopal explained that Balloon B created a chemical reaction, creating carbon dioxide from two ingredients that originally did not contain any.

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