Saturday, May 21, 2011

Strike-ing it Rich With Bowling!

One math game our kids loves is bowling!  Usually, we write numbers on the pins and the kids practice adding the addends on the pins they knock down.  For example, if a student knocks down three pins with the numbers 6, 2, and 4, the class would find the sum of the three numbers.

However, our Kindergarteners are learning all about MONEY!  So, we decided to vamp up our traditional game of bowling by taping plastic coins to the pins.  The students were required to add up the coins on the pins that were knocked over.  In this game, it was boys vs. girls.  In the beginning, the boys were ahead by almost a dollar, but in the end, the girls came out as the winners!  The final score?  The boys had $2.79 in their bank and the girls had earned $3.49.  The boys were not pleased, to say the least.  However, we were pleased with how well the students participated in identifying the coins and their value and also adding the coins together.

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